-Lindsey, from An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.
I have this habit when I'm with people and get bored or restless. I'll turn to the nearest person, and say "tell me a story."
The success rate of this tactic is less than 0%.
People can't just come up with stories on the spot. They inevitably stare, stutter and ask what the story should be about. How should I know? If I knew what story I wanted, I wouldn't be asking you. I'd be thinking of my own story. But I know all my stories, and just want you to entertain me. Dance, monkey, dance!
See, that's my problem. I can't force people to tell me stories. I can't force something with a plot, with exposition and rising action and climax and a fitting resolution, to just flow forth from people. I mean, I can barely make those connections in my own mind, so what right do I have to expect them from others? Note to Self: the world does not exist merely for my own amusement.

I've recently decided that the ability to make connections is a sign of real intelligence. Truly and honestly. Taking principles from one area and transferring them to another is what geniuses do. They merely look at the world as a series of interconnected thoughts, and don't let things like subject area or other labels tie them down. Perhaps I made a mistake pigeon-holing myself into English. I totally should have been a mathematician.
Yeah, that would have worked awesomely. Math and I are two separate entities, and never the twain shall meet.
Back to the point. As the opening quote says (basically):
Making connections= Stories= A fulfillment of a basic human desire.
Making connections means that the world makes sense. For a brief, shining moment, everything is clear. Or if not, at least it's more interesting, with brand new possibilities and avenues of thought available. And interesting is really all I ask for.
Tell me a story?
#1- "I totally should have been a mathematician." -Catherine Cowan.
I'm going to hold you that Ms. Cowan.
#2- I once told you a story on the spot. I remember it well. It was at that Disneyland-esque castle north of London. I was with you and Paige and you asked for a story so I made one up on the spot about a prince who was a jouster. Do you remember that?
Bull to the crap. I've lived with you for several months now and cannot remember a single instance where you asked ANYONE to tell you a story.
Also. My varification word is: phawsion. That's right. Phawsion.
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